
Landscape of Elegant

Woman's beauty lies in the years of precipitation is time carving heart scenery woman, no matter what time what place will always be a live, one does not fade lines.

Heart landscape of elegant woman bloom.
Beautiful and colorful appearance, charming and flirtatious body type, but the gestures, mannerisms calm on the hall's kitchen, calm and collected when dealing with others in their glance.

Mature, stable, generous, considerate, Ming thing known non can be hired back, leaving a open-minded to others or yourself.

Heart scenery woman will cherish.
No matter what situation, they can Tanxiaoziruo not pleased not to have compassion. They know when to let go, when insist they know what clear and confused when they do not incriminate yourself, not to harm others.

They like fantasy, but they definitely do not confrontation and true. They are willing to be romantic, but definitely not as partners and ambiguous. They like to encounter, but definitely do not rub shoulders and missed.

Heart scenery woman is good at dealing with love.
The true nature of life is to have a warm and safe haven. They know the scale of the home, the concept of home.

They know how loved being taken care of, in front of people, generous people after the feminine. They know how to love, tolerance, understanding, tolerance, in order to love, they will not hesitate to try to change, to go low to the dust, to a small gap between.

The heart scenic woman to hold the happiness.
They know the meaning of happiness, Contented, know how to meet. The time when you need to, they told their arms when you need, when you need their compassionate.

